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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Report developed by the Committee of experts on Spanish regional funding
Report developed by the Committee of experts on Spanish regional funding
Project start date: 2017
Year of publication: 2017
Funding institution: Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública

The report is based on the research carried out by the Committee of experts on the reform of the Spanish regional financing system, created by Spain’s Conference of Regional Government Presidents on January 17, 2017. The Commission is made up of 21 experts who for the past 7 months have been analyzing the changes needed to create a new regional financing model based on the principles of solidarity, sufficiency, horizontal equity, transparency, fiscal responsibility while guaranteeing the access of citizens to public services.

One of the Committee members is Francisco Pérez, Ivie Research Director, appointed by Valencia’s Regional Government to represent the Valencian Community.

The final report, submitted to the Spanish Ministry of Finance on July 26, 2017, gathers the conclusions and proposals to remodel the current regional financing system, as well as a final chapter that includes particular votes presented by some of the members.


Universitat de València and Ivie
Universidad de Sevilla
Francisco David Adame Martínez
Universidad de Murcia
Joaquín Aranda Gallego
Universidad de Zaragoza
Alain Cuenca García
Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada - FEDEA
Ángel De la Fuente Moreno
Universidad de Cantabria
Natividad Fernández Gómez
Universidad de Oviedo
Roberto Fernández Llera
Universidad de Jaén
Manuel González Sánchez
Universidad de Alcalá
Manuel Jesús Lagares Calvo
Universidade de Vigo
Santiago Lago Peñas
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Guillem López Casasnovas
Universidad de Extremadura
Mª Elena Manzano Silva
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Arturo Melián González
Mª Antonia Monés Farré
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Jorge Onrubia Fernández
Universidad de Granada
Miguel Ángel Pérez Castro
Universidad de León
Jaime Rabanal García
Universidad de Cantabria
Juan Manuel Rodríguez Poo
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Juan José Rubio Guerrero
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Jesús Fernando Santos Peñalver
Universidad de Murcia
José Carlos Sánchez de la Vega