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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Economic impact of Fallas 2023
Economic impact of Fallas 2023
Project start date: 2023
Project end date: 2023
Funding institution: Universitat de València

The objective of this project is to carry out a study that measures the total economic impact of the activities generated in 2023 by the celebration of Fallas in the Valencian Community, in terms of production (turnover), added value (GDP) and employment.

The study will consider three types of impacts: direct, indirect and induced. The economic impact in terms of production, income and employment is measured by using an input-output methodology based on the latest information from input-output tables available for Spain from the National Statistics Institute. An input-output table portrays the productive structure of an economy as it describes the inputs required by a sector from all the sectors to meet production.

Recommended citation

Pastor, J.M., M. Pardo and J.F. Martinez (2023). «Las Fallas de la ciudad de València. Estudio de impacto económico». Documento de trabajo n.º 09/2023. València: Càtedra Model Econòmic Sostenible València i Entorn (Mesval), Universitat de València.


Universitat de València and Ivie