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Research Areas

The objective of this project is to collaborate with the Advisory Commission of the Ministry of Territorial Policy in charge of establishing the procedure for the determination of the physical headquarters of the entities belonging to the state institutional public sector. The purpose of this project is to define the following:
- A theoretical framework that justifies the idea that the location of the physical headquarters of a public entity is positive for a city or a region.
- The general criteria that the Commission should take into consideration when determining the headquarters of a public entity.
In order to respond to this need, the Ivie is committed to developing a study that analyzes relevant aspects in the location of the headquarters of the state institutional public sector, based on the premise that the territorial deconcentration of the General State Administration plays a structuring role in the territory.
The work will analyze general socioeconomic aspects such as the creation of direct and indirect jobs, public procurement contracts, strengthening of communications, citizen participation and equal opportunities, and the fight against depopulation, among others. As a result of the work, a list will be defined of the criteria to be taken into account on the location and the arguments that in each case may guide the Commission to make a decision in this sense.