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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Technical assistance in the design and pilot experience of an Ibero-American Information System for Higher Education
Technical assistance in the design and pilot experience of an Ibero-American Information System for Higher Education
Project start date: 2017
Project end date: 2017
Funding institution: Secretaría General Iberoamericana

The technical assistance project from the Ivie to design the Ibero-American Information System for Higher Education and plan the launch of a pilot experience in a limited number of countries includes the following nine objectives:

  1. Define the methodological criteria to set up the higher education information systems
  2. Evaluate areas of higher education with particular relevance to the objectives of the Ibero-American Knowledge Space (EIC)
  3. Perform an initial evaluation of higher education information systems already in place, their data availability, and previous experiences
  4. Undertake a preliminary assessment of the potential availability of information about the institutions and the quality of this information
  5. Define a metrics to construct summary indicators for the development of information on higher education in the countries
  6. Identify the basic, intermediate and advanced aims for the development of the Ibero-American Information System
  7. Identify the countries where minimum but at the same time varied information is available in which a worthwhile pilot experience could be carried out
  8. Design a proposal around which to focus the pilot experience
  9. Identify the main conclusions and proposals


Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València and Ivie