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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Technical assistance to establish the standard scales of unit costs per action  for funds aimed at conversion and restructuring of vineyards
Technical assistance to establish the standard scales of unit costs per action for funds aimed at conversion and restructuring of vineyards
Project start date: 2023
Project end date: 2023
Funding institution: Agència Valenciana de Foment i Garantia Agrària - Generalitat Valenciana

The purpose of this work is to review the sources of statistical information available on the wine sector and of wine producing companies in the sector. In addition, an exhaustive analysis of specialized bibliography of accredited rigor and solvency on the subject will be carried out. Also, a series of indicators will be developed that allow to calculate the real unit costs incurred by the wine producers in the conversion and restructuring of vineyards in accordance with the technical specifications established in the CM 17/2022.


Universitat de València e Ivie