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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Updating and maintenance of the Valencian Public University System of Information 2022 (SIUVP)
Updating and maintenance of the Valencian Public University System of Information 2022 (SIUVP)
Project start date: 2022
Project end date: 2022
Funding institution: Universidades públicas valencianas

SIUVP (Valencian Public University System of Information) is a project born in 2012 from the collaboration of the 5 Valencian public universities with the aim of offering a complete set of indicators on its activity and results. SIUVP is a window to the Valencian university activity, through which universities account in a transparent manner to society, for the effectiveness and efficiency achieved in their performance. This website offers a complete information system with more than 60 indicators.

The information in this platform allows the user to know the situation and development of the 5 universities in areas related to the supply and demand of degrees, the academic performance of their students, internationalization, research activity, knowledge transfer to society and economic results of its activity. The indicators are structured in seven different areas:

  1. Admission
  2. Students
  3. Academic results
  4. Internationalization
  5. Human resources
  6. Research and tech transfer
  7. Economic data

In addition, SIUVP contains further information on the degrees offered and a list of other documents relating to the Valencian universities that may be of interest, as well as a glossary with the definition of each indicator.