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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

The sustainability of health spending in Spain
The sustainability of health spending in Spain
Project start date: 2012
Year of publication: 2013
Funding institution: Fundación BBVA

In Spain, the GDP percentage allocated to health care has been multiplied by six over the past fifty years, being this percentage the lowest compared to other European countries. However, a study by the European Commission on the impact of ageing on public spending in the European Union for the period 2005-2050 predicts the greatest increase of this indicator for Spain among all countries of the Union. The purpose of this study is to assess the sustainability of health spending through the analysis of the following issues:

  • The recent developments of public health spending in Spain by means of different methodologies.
  • The differences between the Spanish regions regarding their expenditure profiles for public health
  • The future evolution of public health spending in Spain, both at aggregate and at regional level, through the building of different spending scenarios
  • The sustainability of public expenditure on health in Spain, correlating the predictions of future spending with the GDP forecasts for the same time horizon
  • The future sustainability of regional health spending and its adequate financing, comparing the expenditure projections at regional level with the financial outlook


Universidad de Murcia
José María Abellán Perpiñán (Dir.)
Universidad de Murcia
Jorge Eduardo Martínez Pérez (Dir.)
Universidad de Murcia
Ildefonso Méndez Martínez (Dir.)
Universidad de Alicante and Ivie
Universidad de Murcia
Fernando Ignacio Sánchez Martínez
Sindicatura de Comptes de la Comunitat Valenciana
Vicent Cucarella i Tormo


Jessica Piqueras Ruano
Julia Teschendorff Cooper