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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


18 September 2024
This year, the Ernest Lluch Foundation-Ivie Series of Dialogues examine equal opportunities in different areas, starting with labor market equity issues in the first debate with José Ignacio García and Sara de la Rica. Registration now open


18 September 2024
Valencia Monitor
In a recent Valencia Monitor video, Ivie economist, Eva Benages, discusses the growing problem of electronic waste in Spain and the dangers of not taking measures to halt its growth
17 September 2024
Observatorio GECE
A recent report from the GECE Observatory, developed by CaixaBank and Ivie, analyzes the effects of capital structure, firm size and governing bodies on the competitiveness of firms
13 September 2024
Observatorio GECE
El Observatorio GECE de CaixaBank y el Ivie organiza una nueva jornada para presentar su último informe sobre la competitividad de las empresas. El acto, que se realizará en Castellón, contará también con una mesa redonda con las empresas Smalticeram España y Grupo Gimeno
13 September 2024
Valencia Monitor
New article in Valencia Monitor’s series El Confidencial by Hugo de Juan on the risks of resistance to Artificial Intelligence integration in firms and the advantages of using it
12 September 2024
Fundación LAB Mediterráneo
Fundación LAB Mediterráneo in collaboration with Ivie launches the Observatory of R&D&I, technology and entrepreneurship in the Valencian Region
11 September 2024
Rastreador de productividad
The BBVA Foundation and Ivie Productivity Tracker database has been updated and is now available, providing statistics until June
10 September 2024
La Fundación Ramón Areces y el Ivie publican un estudio que analiza las diferencias en la resiliencia educativa por comunidades autónomas y sus determinantes
27 August 2024
El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado en su sesión del 27 de agosto el nombramiento de Manuel Illueca como nuevo presidente del Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO)

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