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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


José García-Montalvo
José García-Montalvo
Professor of Applied Economics (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Dr García Montalvo graduated in Economics from the Universitat de València in 1987 with special honors. He received the First National Graduation Prize (1988, Ministry of Education and Science), followed by a PhD in Economics from Harvard University (1993). He is Professor of Applied Economics at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). He was Vice-rector of the UPF Science Strategy Department. He was awarded with the 2019 Rei Jaume I Prize in Economics and the national prize for public-private collaboration in scientific research from the Catalan Government. He has published eighteen books and more than 150 articles.

Fields of research: econometrics, economic development, the labor market for youths and the economy of the housing market and banking

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