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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Analysis of business models based on open data exploitation
Analysis of business models based on open data exploitation
Project start date: 2023
Project end date: 2023
Funding institution: Càtedra de Transformació del Model Econòmic de la UPV

This project is a result of a research study being carried out by the Ivie for Inndromeda, which looks at the economic and social effects of the implementation of the data economy in the Valencian Community. One of the objectives of the study is to identify suitable business models for the use of data in both the public and private sectors.

Group dynamics will be used to work on this part of the study with key experts from industries with varied degrees of data economy exploitation and specialists in the dynamization and exploitation of the data economy. These dynamics will pinpoint the opportunities, problems, and demands that the data economy can help meet or fulfill.

The UPV Chair for the Transformation of the Economic Model is particularly interested in deepening the knowledge of the state-of-the-art in open data in the area, as this is a topic that has many connections to the Inndromeda study on data economy. Thus, a specific section on open data has been proposed in order to carry out a precise examination.

The objectives of this new project include a specific section in the group dynamics of the Inndromeda study on new business models based on the exploitation of open data in Valencia. Additionally, the results of the information obtained from the group dynamics will be analyzed and a report with the results will be developed.


Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València and Ivie