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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Official financing aid in response to COVID-19: Timeliness and sufficiency
Carbó, S. and F. Rodríguez
Source: SEFO (Spanish and International Economic & Financial Outlook)

Financing policies are essential in the context of a public health pandemic that results in the paralysis of economic activity. However, the effectiveness of these policies will hinge on the duration of lockdown measures as well as the timely and effective disbursement of funds to the real economy. At present, the forcefulness and direct nature of US policy contrasts with the uneven and issue-ridden nature of the European response to the COVID-19 crisis, which could lead to greater divergence within Europe. EU member states have issued aid primarily in the form of state guarantees for loans provided by banks to companies facing difficulties. In Spain, 200 billion euros has been earmarked for public-private financing schemes, but the roll out has been gradual. While state guarantees are expected to cushion the effect of a rise in NPLs, there will be a time lag. In the EU, aid has also been mostly directed at stimulating bank lending, with the ECB having stepped up its buyback programme. Having rejected the idea of ‘coronabonds’, the EU is expected to announce a new reconstruction fund later this year. However, looking forward, it is possible that the bloc’s uneven response will result in an asymmetric recovery across the EU.

Recommended citation

Carbó, S. and F. Rodríguez (2020). «Official financing aid in response to COVID-19: Timeliness and sufficiency». SEFO – Spanish Economic and Financial Outlook 9, n.º 3 (May): 19-28.