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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


From Office Environmental Stressors to Work Performance: The Role of Work Patterns
Soriano, A., M.W. Kozusznik and J. M. Peiró
Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Background: Different studies have shown a relationship between office environmental stressors and performance. However, studying environmental stress in the workplace requires analyzing more specific patterns to generate knowledge about the type of employees who are more or less vulnerable to environmental stressors. The present study analyzes the mediating role of health symptoms and negative emotions in the relationship between stressors and performance in different work patterns (task complexity and interactivity). Methods: There were 83 office workers (n = 603 time points) that took part in a diary study with multilevel design. Results: The appraisal of the environmental stressors is positively related to health-related symptoms, which in turn increase negative emotions, and then decrease the performance of workers who perform complex tasks and interact frequently with other people at work. This mediation is not significant when office workers do not interact frequently with other people at work and/or perform simple, rather than complex tasks. Conclusions: Work patterns play an important role when studying the mediating role of health-related symptoms and negative emotions in the relationship between the appraisal of environmental stressors and performance in office workers. In other words, employees in the ‘interactive and complex’ pattern are more vulnerable to the negative effects of office stressors on performance.

Recommended citation

Soriano, A., M.W. Kozusznik and J.M. Peiró (2018): “From Office Environmental Stressors to Work Performance: The Role of Work Patterns”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(8), August.