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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Financial Crisis, Regulatory Reform and the Future of the Spanish Banking Industry
García-Montalvo, J.
Source: Estudios de Economía Aplicada

The Spanish financial system has lived through a tumultuous period. The delay of the Spanish authorities in recognizing the problems, and the mistakes of the original plan to address the issues, has derived in a long and traumatic process of recapitalization. The new regulation, targeted at eliminating the perverse incentives in the housing finance sector, and the consequences of the financial crisis generate incentives to transform the business model of financial companies in order to adapt to the new competitive and regulatory conditions.

Recommended citation

García-Montalvo, J. (2020). «Financial Crisis, Regulatory Reform and the Future of the Spanish Banking Industry». Estudios de Economía Aplicada 32, n.º 2.