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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Desequilibrios demográficos en España: evolución histórica y situación actual
Goerlich, F. J. and S. Mollá
Source: Presupuesto y Gasto Público

This work examines demographic imbalances in Spain from a territorial point of view. It uses the municipality as a basic unit of spatial reference. The analysis is carried out in a double dimension. On the one hand, we review the historical evolution of population movements from the beginning of the 20th century to the present, these movements were especially intense in the second half of the century. On the other hand, the basic demographic characteristics of current Spanish society are explored.

Recommended citation

Goerlich, F.J. and S. Mollá (2021). «Desequilibrios demográficos en España: evolución histórica y situación actual ». Presupuesto y Gasto Público n.º 102: 31-54.