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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Organizational structure

The Ivie is characterized by an organizational structure with few levels, which makes the relationships within the Institute more fluid and efficient. Ivie’s management works closely with all departments, so that the research and technical areas and general services are properly attended and the coordination among the Institute’s staff is ensured. The role of each department that appears on the chart is described below:

Board of directors:

Ivie’s trajectory over these twenty-five years has been the product of how its governing bodies and management have interpreted its mission. The Board of Directors lays down the basic strategic lines and supports the proposals put forward by the Management. The scientific assessment of the activities conducted is supported by the qualified opinion on these aspects of some of its members, who have extensive academic experience, and also by the opinions of an Advisory Board. Ivie’s Advisory Board is an external body able to offer the Board of Directors sound and independent scientific input on the Institute’s activities.


Management of a research center like Ivie calls for the right mix of human resources to achieve its multiple objectives and apply its various tools. A team has therefore been put together combining qualified specialists in programming, developing, promoting and supervising the various research, study and management activities. These tasks are carried out by 4 people:

  • Research Director, Francisco Pérez
  • Managing Director, Pilar Chorén
  • Research Deputy Director, Joaquín Maudos
  • Director of International Projects, Matilde Mas

Research area:

Ivie’s researchers are university lecturers responsible for giving the Institute’s activity its scientific content, assuring the quality of its work, and acting as a link to universities in Valencia and elsewhere in Spain, and promoting its integration in the social context. Ivie’s researchers are not directly employed by it, but take part on the various projects the Institute runs through its partnership agreements with the universities they belong to. Ivie has 25 research professors and associate researchers who bring considerable cumulative experience to bear and maximize the Institute’s reach.

Technical area and general services:

Another fundamental pillar supporting Ivie’s work is its permanent technical and administrative structure, which comprises twenty-two staff. This team carries out essential complementary work ensuring the Institute is able to respond to its commitments effectively and rigorously.

  • The technical area comprises a group of economists and IT specialists performing a wide range of support tasks relating to data processing, systematization of information, preparation of statistical sources, development of various parts of studies and projects, and dissemination of the results, all under the supervision of the Institute’s management. Ivie’s technical team relies on its great human capital, backed by a solid graduate and postgraduate education and by all the experience acquired by its staff which in many cases has been in progress for more than ten years.
  • The administration and general services area has a qualified team providing secretarial services, editing, publishing and graphic design, communication, accounting and administration, coordinated by the general manager. The effective functioning of these activities has been crucial to ensuring that despite its small size, the Institute has been able to run a wide range of initiatives and obtain top-class results. This area currently has eight members.