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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Contracts and funding

Public funded research projects 2024

Spanish and regional projects

  1. Ex-post evaluation of public policies in the field of childhood and adolescence
    • Contract: Número de Expediente 190/2023 (A/SER-032587/2023-Lote 1)
    • Contracting parties: Comunidad de Madrid, Consejería de Familia, Juventud y Asuntos Sociales – UTE KSNET-AFI-DALEPH-Ivie
    • Duration: 1 June 2024 – 31 March 2025
    • Procedure:
      • Open, ordinary procedure
    See more
  2. Technical assistance to establish the costs of training activities aimed at professionals of rural areas in the Valencian Community
    • Contract: Número de Expediente 2024/16N07/0148
    • Contracting parties: Conselleria de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca, Generalitat Valenciana – Ivie
    • Duration: 1 June 2024 – 31 August 2024
    • Procedure:
      • Minor service contract
    See more
  3. Impact of the regional debt financing system of the Spanish region of Murcia Region
    • Contract: Número de Expediente 2024/002613
    • Contracting parties: Consejería de Economía, Hacienda y Empresa de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia – Ivie
    • Duration: 1 January 2024 – 31 March 2024
    • Procedure:
      • Minor service contract
    See more
  4. Estimation of potential demand for a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering at the UPV campus in Alcoy
    • Contract: Número de Expediente PC000343479
    • Contracting parties: Universitat Politècnica de València – Ivie
    • Duration: 1 February 2024 – 30 April 2024
    • Procedure:
      • Minor service contract
    See more
  5. Economic impact of live music events in the Valencian Community
    • Contract: Número de Expediente MEN/2023001019 – 2023/00002606N
    • Contracting parties: Institut Valencià de Cultura, Conselleria de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de la Generalitat Valenciana – Ivie
    • Duration: 1 September 2023 – 30 April 2024
    • Procedure:
      • Minor service contract
    See more
  6. Technical assistance to AIReF for the development of the study on the human resources policy of the Department of Education and Vocational Training of the Balearic Islands
    • Contract: Número de Expediente 2022/058 PA
    • Contracting parties: AIReF, Autoridad Independiente de Responsabilidad Fiscal – Ivie – KSNET – Afi
    • Duration: 1 June 2023 – 29 February 2024
    • Procedure:
      • Open, ordinary procedure
      • Further information available at the Public Sector Procurement website:
    See more
  7. Socioeconomic study of the evolution of temporary disabilities and accident rates at work in Spain
    • Contract: Número de Expediente SER-23-0014-ART2
    • Contracting parties: umivale Activa – Ivie
    • Duration: 1 May 2023 – 30 April 2025
    • Procedure:
      • Open, ordinary procedure
      • Further information available at the Public Sector Procurement website:
    See more

Valencian Regional Government Funding (2024)

  1. Impact of sporting events in the Valencian Region
    • Grant awarded through a collaboration agreement between the Generalitat Valenciana by means of the Conselleria de Cultura i Esport and the Ivie
    • Objective: The General Directorate of Sports of the Generalitat Valenciana and the Ivie have signed a collaboration agreement to encourage, promote and finance studies and reports on the economic impact of sports events held in the Valencian Community, the optimization of the management of these events, the improvement of available analyses on the efficiency and social effectiveness of public policies regarding the promotion of sports events, and the analysis of the business sector of the Valencian Community in the sports and physical activity sector. One of the reports to be developed by the Ivie consists of quantifying the economic impact of sports competitions held in the Valencian Region. The research will focus on estimating the impact of almost 100 sports competitions to be held in the region in 2024. Impacts that come from both the “tourist” expenditure of participants from outside the Valencian Community, as well as organizational costs.
    • Amount: 75.000,00 euros
    • Budget line: 457A00- G01180203- S158500000-Capítulo IV
    See more
  2. Grant to promote and finance research on public studies linked to the analysis of public policies and to improve the availability of information and impact indicators for the evaluation and improvement of public services in the Valencian Region
    • Grant awarded through a collaboration agreement between the Generalitat Valenciana and the Ivie
    • Objective: The purpose of this collaboration agreement is to grant a subsidy to encourage, promote and finance studies and reports related to the optimization of public services and the improvement of available analysis on the efficiency and social effectiveness of public policies, with special emphasis on economic development policies that facilitate the monitoring of European funds, the evaluation of public spending, the attraction of investments and sectoral analysis.
    • Amount: 340.000,00 euros
    • Budget line: FP7-111D00-S0613-Capítulo IV
    Más información
  3. Work grant
    • Grant awarded by means of a collaboration agreement between the Generalitat Valenciana through the Conselleria de Hacienda y Modelo Económico and the Ivie
    • Objective: : The purpose of this collaboration agreement is to grant a subsidy to the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, S.A. to promote and strengthen the economic research activities carried out by the Ivie, which, among those contemplated in Article 3 of Ivie’s Statutes, are the following:
      • Development of new lines of research on important topics of interest.
      • Creation and maintenance of networks with other research centers, especially national and international ones.
      • Training activities for specialists in topics relevant to economic agents and institutions.
      • Dissemination activities of the results obtained in research projects, aimed at both specialized public and society in general.
      • Support and assistance to researchers and groups in the development of their activities.
      • Creation of databases to improve economic information available to the scientific community, public agents and society as a whole.

      Amount: 334.000,00 euros

    • Budget line: FP7- G01. S0561-Capítulo IV
  4. Capital grant
    • Grant awarded by means of a collaboration agreement between the Generalitat Valenciana through the Conselleria de Hacienda y Modelo Económico and the Ivie
    • Objective: The purpose of this grant is to finance tangible and intangible investments that enable the development of the activities described in the present agreement in relation to the research activity carried out by the Institute.
    • Amount: 16.000,00 euros
    • Budget line: FP7- G01. S0561-Capítulo VII