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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Medición y evolución del sentimiento autonómico en España
WP-EC 2015-01
Medición y evolución del sentimiento autonómico en España
Torregrosa, R.J.
Year of publication: 2015
Keywords: Categorical data, Autonomous Communities, autonomic nationalism
JEL Classification: C14, R19
Using the method proposed by Herrero and Villar (2012), in which multiple distributions of categorical data are evaluated and ordered, we study the evolution of autonomic-nationalist feelings in Spain based on opinion surveys regarding the state of Spanish Autonomous Communities (AC) carried out by Spain’s Centre for Sociological Research (CIS, acronym in Spanish) since 1996. We construct two indices based on the value vectors of the Herrero-Villar method that describe the evolution of autonomic-nationalist feelings in each of Spain’s ACs with respect to the rest of the ACs in each of the surveys and with respect to their own AC.