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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


In the last 15 years, employment in the media sector has decreased by 11%, despite the recovery from COVID-19

Due in large to technological and societal developments, the media industry is undergoing a significant upheaval that will impact its employment, economic structure, and occupational profiles. In 2008, there were 121,000 media professionals in Spain, whereas by 2022, that number had dropped 11% to 108,000.  According to the most recent data available, the added value of these activities —which include newspaper and magazine publishing, film and TV production and distribution, radio and TV programming and broadcasting—, was over 6.2 billion euros in 2020, which is 9% less than in 2008. Overall, the weight of the sector in the economy is lower in Spain than that of the EU-27 and far from that of the United Kingdom or the United States. The subsector of the media that has been most affected is publishing of newspapers and magazines, which accounts for 15% of value added and 21% of total employment. These figures are significantly lower than those of 2008, which were 25% and 33%, respectively. Meanwhile, other subsectors, such as news agencies and information portals, have doubled their weight, accounting for 11% of added value and employment.

26 July 2023