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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


The Spanish Economic and Social Council (ESC) gives its XXI Research Prize to Ivie’s project on digital economy

The Spanish Economic and Social Council (ESC) has awarded the Ivie with its XXI Research Prize. Ivie’s project Cambios tecnológicos, trabajo y actividad empresarial: el impacto económico de la economía digital was chosen from among 17 projects presented.

Ivie’s project proposes to carry out an assessment of the social and economic impacts of the progressive introduction of the digital economy in Spain, regarding its most distinctive features —such as services offered through digital platforms— and the effect that it is having in other activities by modifying their business processes in multiple aspects.

The study has four objectives. First, it aims to identify the main impacts of these changes in two major areas: employment and task-content of occupations, and work and firm organization.  Secondly, it will assess the effects of these impacts on the labor market, labor relations, organization of business activities and value chains. In third place, it will carry out an empirical evaluation of these impacts on the Spanish productive network, both from an employment as well as a firm-level perspective. Finally, it will consider the factors that determine the spread of the digital economy, its probable scenarios and the obstacles and levers to make use of opportunities and avoid threats.

The aim of the project responds to an interdisciplinary approach since the research team is made up of experts from several social sciences and it has an empirical focus, analyzing the situation of Spain from the European perspective. The researchers that will develop the Project are Francisco Pérez, José María Peiró, Lorenzo Serrano, Alejandro Escribá and Adrián Todolí, in collaboration with the research technicians Ángel Soler, Laura Hernández and Carlos Albert.

The prize consists of 40,000 euros which will be given to the Ivie in April 2019.

26 October 2017