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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Socio-economic regional differences

Life table database on Spain and its regions

In sum, this database consists of 22 PC-Axis files. Eight of the files contain biometric functions for Spain, its autonomous communities and provinces; six of them provide demographic indicators cited for the same geographic and temporal areas; and the other eight files contain biometric functions for the large groups of cause of death. The information can be obtained in map format by using the PX-MAP program. Data from the file must be decompressed inside the maps folder in the PX-MAP instalation directory.

Biometric functions:

Life tables

  1. Spain – Complete (1975-2011)
  2. Spain – Abbreviated (1975-2011)
  3. Autonomous Regions (1975-2011)
  4. Provinces (1975-2011)
  5. Spain – Complete (2012-2018)
  6. Spain – Abbreviated (2012-2018)
  7. Autonomous Regions (2012-2018)
  8. Provinces (2012-2018)

Disaggregation by large groups of causes of death

  1. Spain – Complete (1975-2011)
  2. Spain – Abbreviated (1975-2011)
  3. Autonomous Regions (1975-2011)
  4. Provinces (1975-2011)
  5. Spain – Complete (2012-2018)
  6. Spain – Abbreviated (2012-2018)
  7. Autonomous Regions (2012-2018)
  8. Provinces (2012-2018)

Demographic indicators:

  1. Spain (1975-2011)
  2. Autonomous Regions (1975-2011)
  3. Provinces (1975-2011)
  4. Spain (2012-2018)
  5. Autonomous Regions (2012-2018)
  6. Provinces (2012-2018)