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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Servicios sanitarios digitales que no llegan a todos

La economista del Ivie Silvia Mollá explica los avances tecnológicos que mejoran la atención sanitaria, pero también advierte de las dificultades para hacerlos accesibles a todos los usuarios en un nuevo vídeo de la serie Valencia Monitor


Video: Joaquín Maudos, Deputy Director at the Ivie, explains the main contributions made by the Technology Institute Network of the Valencian Community (REDIT) to the region’s economy and the vision that collaborating firms have on the benefits of working together
Alejandro Escribá, Ivie researcher, examines the the extent to which the data economy is being implemented in the Valencian Region, as well as the advantages and difficulties that companies face when investing in data
Once again, the Ivie would like to wish you a joyous holiday season and an extra special 2024… it’s a leap year!
Ivie economist, Consuelo Mínguez, explains how training employed people is a key factor in the development of innovation both in businesses and in the public sector
New video for #ValenciaMonitor: Ivie researcher Javier Quesada explains the importance of investment in intangible assets in businesses that are committed to innovation in their processes or products
Watch the full video of the dialogue between Eloísa del Pino and Juan Oliva on caring for the elderly in the face of an aging population, which concluded the series on the socioeconomic challenges of demographic change organized by the Ernest Lluch Foundation and the Ivie
New dialogue of the series “Socioeconomic challenges of demographic change”, with Manuel A. Hidalgo and María Luz Rodríguez, who will examine the impact of demographic change on the labor market

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* This activity is supported by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Model of the Generalitat Valenciana through the cooperation agreement signed between both institutions to promote and consolidate the Ivie's basic and applied economic research activities.