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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


The 2016 Valencia Marathon generated 3.5€ for every euro invested in the competition

The report developed by the Ivie quantifies at 9.2 million euros the economic impact on GDP in the Valencian Community

The organizers of the Valencia Trinidad Alfonso EDP Marathon, the Sports Club SD Correcaminos and the Valencia City Council, have entrusted the Ivie, for the sixth consecutive year, the economic impact study of the event, as well as the assessment of the runners’ satisfaction with the 2016 race.

According to the report, the 2016 Valencia Marathon produced an economic return on investment in the Valencian economy of 9,199,390€ in terms of income. This number is equal to creating or retaining 350 jobs a year.

In 2016, the organizing cost of the event amounted to 3,758,067 euros, while visitors (runners and guests) spent 13,247,380 euros. This represents a return of 3.52 euros to the city of Valencia for every euro invested. To estimate the total expenditure incurred by the participants, 5 variables are considered: number of runners, number of accompanying guests, average stay, spending per day and where they live.

According to the survey made to 3,712 participants, 98% of the runners recommend the Valencia Marathon, giving it an overall score of 8.7 out of ten. The highest-scoring aspects of the race were the finish line over the water in the City of Arts and Sciences, the course and the crowd support/entertainment points.

27 March 2017