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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas



The Ivie assesses and monitors the current situation of the Spanish University System by means of two projects with their corresponding databases: U-Ranking and SIUVP. First, U-Ranking, in collaboration with the BBVA Foundation, classifies the universities according to their performance in teaching, research and technological development. Secondly, the SIUVP website offers a complete information system with more than 60 indicators on the Valencian Public Universities.


The U-Ranking project is a joint initiative of the BBVA Foundation and the Ivie that provides university authorities, experts in higher education, students and career counsellors with a series of Spanish universities rankings, which are constructed with transparency and rigour, following the recommendations of experts in the elaboration of indicators and international rankings and of specialized literature. […]
SIUVP (Valencian Public University System of Information) is a project born in 2012 from the collaboration of the 5 Valencian public universities with the aim of offering a complete set of indicators on its activity and results. SIUVP is a window to the Valencian university activity, a tool by which universities account in a transparent […]