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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas



The aim of this study, sponsored by The Caixa Galicia Foundation, is to analyze the evolution of household spending and the distribution of income in Spain, from both a temporal and territorial perspective. A data bank has been created on household spending which facilitates the study of consumption patterns and income distribution.

The study uses data from the Household Budget Continuous Survey by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) and considers the disaggregation by autonomous community. Data on household consumption patterns and inequality indexes currently cover the period 1973-74 until 2005, although annual intervals are provided only from 1998 given the availability of surveys.


Recommended citation

Caixa Galicia Foundation and Ivie (The Valencian Institute of Economic Research). Consumo de los hogares y distribución de la renta en España (1973 – 2005): Una perspectiva regional. 2009. Database available upon request.