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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Cryptocurrency ownership and cognitive biases in perceived financial literacy
Carbó, S., P. J. Cuadros y F. Rodríguez
Fuente: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
Acknowledging the potential threats posed to financial stability by owning cryptoassets combined with a lack of financial literacy, this paper investigates the relationship between financial literacy and cryptocurrency ownership using machine learning methods. Analyzing 2121 survey responses, it shows that financial literacy emerges as a crucial factor in cryptocurrency ownership, even when accounting for other factors such as age, income, and digital activity. A neural network model reveals that a unit increase in financial literacy reduces the probability of cryptocurrency ownership by 0.2. Causal forest analysis indicates that financial literacy bias positively impacts ownership likelihood (a point estimate of 75.30 %). However, the bias-corrected financial literacy measure has a negative effect of −25.40 % on ownership likelihood. This reveals that cognitive biases, particularly overconfidence, as a significant influence on cryptocurrency ownership. These results show that individuals with more financial literacy and with less biased self-assessments are less likely to hold cryptocurrencies.

Cómo citar este artículo

Carbó, S., P. J. Cuadros y F. Rodríguez (2025). «Cryptocurrency ownership and cognitive biases in perceived financial literacy». Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 45 (marzo): 101019.