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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Is financial instability male-driven? Gender and cognitive skills in experimental asset markets
WP-AD 2015-06
Is financial instability male-driven? Gender and cognitive skills in experimental asset markets
Cueva, C. y Rustichini, A.
Año de publicacion: 2015
Palabras clave: asset market experiment, mispricing, price bubbles, gender, cognitive ability
Clasificación JEL: C91, C92, G02, G11, J16
The hypothesis that price stability would reliably increase with the fraction of women operating in financial markets has been frequently suggested in policy discussions. To test this hypothesis we conducted 10 male-only, 10 female-only and 10 mixed-gender experimental asset markets, and compared the effects of gender composition, confidence, risk attitude and cognitive skills. Male and female markets have comparable volatility and deviations from fundamentals, whereas mixed-gender markets are substantially more stable. On the other hand, higher average cognitive skills of the group are associated with reduced market volatility. Individual-level analysis shows that subjects with higher cognitive skills trade more rationally and earn significantly higher profits; similarly, mixed markets exhibit more rational behavior, particularly for traders with lower cognitive skills. Our results are demonstrated to hold in other experimental asset market studies, suggesting that a mixed-gender composition reduces mispricing across different types of asset markets.