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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Mobbing and workers
WP-AD 2010-30
Mobbing and workers' health: an empirical analysis for Spain
Carnero, M.A., Martínez, B. y Sánchez, R.
Año de publicacion: 2010
Palabras clave: bullying at workplace, moral harassment
Clasificación JEL: C20, I10, J28
his paper analyzes empirically the impact of mobbing on the health of workers in Spain. Based on the Sixth Spanish Survey on Working Conditions, we first describe the differences in health among mobbed and not mobbed workers, sing two different indicators: the worker's self-perception that work affects health and the presence of bad health symptoms. The descriptive evidence shows that mobbing victims perform worse on such health indicators. We estimate the effect of being mobbed on the probability of suffering from health problems, taking into account the potential endogeneity of mobbing. Our estimates show that being a mobbing victim increases significantly the probability of having bad health, independently on the indicator used. Moreover, when bad health is measured by the perception indicator, we find that the effect of mobbing is underestimated if endogeneity is not accounted for.